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Losing Twitter Followers 2023. Here’s The Fix!

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why Twitter users may lose followers and provide actionable steps to help prevent this from happening.

Having a large following on Twitter can be a major asset, providing access to a wider audience and potential customers.

However, it is not uncommon to lose followers on Twitter, and this can be frustrating for anyone who has invested time and effort in building up their following.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why you may have lost followers on Twitter and provide actionable steps to help you fix the issue. Let’s get on with it!

Why Am I Losing Twitter Followers 2023

Here are some of the reasons you are losing followers on Twitter.

Inactive Or Irregular Posting

Inactivity is a major reason why Twitter users may lose followers. Followers expect to see regular updates and engagement from accounts they follow, and if an account fails to deliver, they may lose interest and unfollow.

To prevent this, it is crucial to remain active on the platform by consistently posting engaging content to keep followers interested and connected.

Posting Too Frequently Or Infrequently

Posting too frequently or infrequently can also lead to a loss of followers.

If you post too often, you may flood your followers’ feeds with content, causing them to become overwhelmed and unfollow you.

On the other hand, if you post too infrequently, your followers may forget about your account and lose interest.

Irrelevant Or Poor Quality Content

Posting irrelevant or poor quality content can also cause you to lose followers.

Your followers are following you because they are interested in what you have to say or offer, so if you start posting content that is not relevant to them or of poor quality, they may lose interest and unfollow you.

Lack Of Value In Your Content

Another reason why you may lose followers on Twitter is that your content doesn’t provide any value or isn’t interesting to your target audience.

If your followers don’t see any benefit in following you, they may choose to unfollow you.

Inconsistent Branding Or Messaging

Having inconsistent branding or messaging can also lead to a loss of followers.

Your followers expect a certain level of consistency and coherence in your branding and messaging, and if you deviate from that, it may cause confusion and lead to unfollows.

Your Account Is Shadowbanned

A shadowban is a practice used by Twitter to limit the visibility of an account without notifying the user.

This may happen if Twitter detects any suspicious activity on your account, such as excessive tweeting or using bots or automation tools.

Offensive Or Controversial Content

Posting offensive or controversial content can be a major turn-off for your followers and can cause them to unfollow you.

It is important to be mindful of the content you post and ensure that it is not offensive or controversial.

Too Much Self-Promotion

Posting too much promotional content can also lead to a loss of followers.

Twitter users expect to see a mix of promotional and non-promotional content from the accounts they follow.

You’ve Purchased Twitter Followers

Buying followers on Twitter may provide a temporary boost in your follower count, but it’s not a sustainable long-term strategy.

Purchased followers are often bots or fake accounts that won’t engage with your content.

Lack Of Engagement

If you don’t engage with your followers, they may choose to unfollow you.

Twitter is a social network, and engagement is essential to building a loyal following.

Automation Or Spam

Using automation or spamming techniques can also lead to a loss of followers.

Your followers expect genuine engagement and interaction, and if they feel like you are using automated or spamming techniques, they may unfollow you.

Twitter Deactivates Bot Or Fake Accounts

Twitter regularly deactivates bot or fake accounts to maintain the integrity of the platform.

These accounts are often created to inflate the number of followers for an account or to spread spam or misinformation.

How Do I Stop Losing Followers On Twitter?

Here are ways that’ll help you fix any issues you’re having with losing your followers on Twitter.

Evaluate Your Content And Posting Schedule

To fix the issue of losing followers on Twitter, you should first evaluate your content and posting schedule. Ensure that your content is relevant, high-quality, and consistent with your branding and messaging. Additionally, make sure that you are not posting too frequently or infrequently.

Unfollow Bots And Fake Accounts

The best way to avoid losing followers due to Twitter deactivating bot or fake accounts is to focus on building an organic following.

Avoid purchasing followers or engaging in any activities that violate Twitter’s terms of service.

Instead, engage with your followers by providing valuable content and actively participating in the Twitter community.

Engage With Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is crucial for retaining your followers.

Engage with your followers by responding to their tweets, retweeting and commenting on their posts, and asking for feedback.

You can also participate in Twitter chats, use relevant hashtags, and tag other users in your posts to increase engagement.

This will help you build a strong relationship with your followers and keep them engaged.

Get Feedbacks From Your Followers

Analyze your content to ensure that it aligns with the interests of your target audience.

Ask for feedback from your followers and try to incorporate their suggestions. You can do this by either setting up Twitter polls or by tweeting your idea and asking for their suggestions on the comment sections or quoted tweets.

You can also experiment with different types of content such as videos, infographics, or polls to keep your followers engaged.

Strike A Balance Between Promotional And Non-promotional Content

Focus on providing value to your followers through educational, informative, or entertaining content.

You can also promote your products or services in a way that provides value to your followers.

Check If Your Account Is Shadowbanned

The first step in fixing a shadowbanned account is to identify if your account is indeed shadowbanned. You can do this by checking if your tweets are appearing in search results or under relevant hashtags.

If your account is shadowbanned, stop any suspicious activity and wait for a few days to see if the ban is lifted. Alternatively, you can reach out to Twitter support for assistance.

Rebrand Or Reposition Your Account

If you are experiencing a significant loss of followers, you may need to consider rebranding or repositioning your account.

This could involve changing your username, profile picture, bio, or even the focus of your content.

However, it is important to make these changes thoughtfully and strategically to ensure that you are still appealing to your target audience.

Monitor And Address Offensive Or Controversial Content

If you have posted offensive or controversial content in the past, it is important to monitor your account and address any negative reactions or comments.

This could involve apologizing for any inappropriate content and taking steps to ensure that it does not happen again in the future.

Avoid Automation And Spam

To avoid losing followers, it is important to avoid using automation or spamming techniques on Twitter. Instead, focus on building genuine relationships with your followers through authentic engagement and interaction.

Stop Buying Followers

Focus on building an organic following and stop purchasing followers. Engage with your existing followers and create valuable content that encourages your followers to share your tweets. Use Twitter ads to reach a wider audience and gain new followers.


Losing followers on Twitter can be frustrating, but it is not uncommon.

There are several reasons why you may have lost followers, including inactivity, poor quality content, and offensive or controversial content.

To fix the issue, it is important to evaluate your content and posting schedule, engage with your audience, rebrand or reposition your account, monitor and address offensive content, and avoid automation and spam.

By taking these steps, you can attract and retain a strong following on Twitter and continue to grow your presence on the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Twitter Remove Your Followers?

Users normally ask this similar question also ” Can Twitter delete followers?”. Well, Yes, Twitter can delete followers.

Twitter’s algorithm can remove accounts that are inactive or violate their terms of service, which can result in a decrease in your follower count.

Why Did My Followers Disappear On Twitter?

If you’ve recently reactivated your account within the past 72 hours, it’s normal to see inaccurate follower and following counts.

However, if it’s been more than 72 hours, it’s best to log out of Twitter and log back in to refresh your account and resolve any discrepancies in your follower and following counts.

Why Are My Twitter Followers Disappearing And Reappearing?

Your Twitter followers may be disappearing and reappearing due to bot or fake followers, Twitter’s glitches, Twitter’s algorithm removing inactive accounts, or other users intentionally unfollowing and following your account.

It’s important to regularly monitor your follower count and engage with your followers to maintain an active and genuine following.

How To Fix 0 Following On Twitter?

To fix 0 following on Twitter, try refreshing your account, checking your account settings, verifying your email address, and contacting Twitter Support if needed.

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
