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If You Block Someone On Instagram, Can They See Your Story If A Mutual Friend Repost It? [Answered!]

The answer to this question is YES. A blocked person on Instagram can still see your story if a mutual friend reposts it.

When you block someone on Instagram, you prevent them from seeing any of your content, including your profile, posts, and stories.

But what if a mutual friend reposts your story? Can the blocked person still see it? Together, let’s read this article carefully to learn the answer.

The Role Of Instagram’s Algorithm In All Of This

Below, we’ve briefly explained how Instagram’s Algorithm decides which posts and stories show up in our feeds.

A. How Instagram Picks What You See

Instagram isn’t just a simple photo-sharing/video-sharing app. It’s got a behind-the-scenes feature called an “algorithm.” This feature helps decide what pictures and videos you see when you open the app.

Instagram algorithm looks at your behavior – what you like, who you follow, what you comment on. It then uses this info to make a guess about what you’d be interested in seeing.

When you’re browsing your feed, remember its not by chance. The algorithm is working to display things it thinks you’ll like.

B. How This Affects Blocked Users

When you block someone on Instagram, it’s similar to putting up a virtual wall between you and them. They can’t directly interact with you, such as sending you messages or seeing your posts and stories.

But, assuming that a mutual friend posts your story, things get a bit interesting. Remember that algorithm we talked about? It’s still at work. It might think, “Hey, this person seems to like the same stuff you do, so maybe they’d want to see this story.”

So, even though you’ve blocked someone, Instagram’s Algorithm can still let them catch a glimpse of your content if it’s shared by a mutual friend.

If You Block Someone On Instagram, Can They See Your Story If A Mutual Friend Repost It?

Yes, when you block someone on Instagram, they can still see your story if a mutual friend reposts it.

This is because blocking someone on Instagram only prevents them from seeing your content directly. If your content is shared by someone else on their stories, blocked users can still see it.

Blocking someone on instagram, they can’t see any of your posts, stories, or activities.

This also includes direct messages and interactions. If a friend reposts your story, the blocked person can still see it, but there are some limitations.

If your original story is a video or a multi-thread story, they won’t be able to click on it or interact with it. Instead, they might be redirected to your account with an error message. This keeps them from accessing the content.

A blocked person on Instagram won’t show up in your Instagram stories viewer list. However, if you unblock them before your story expires, they might see your name on the list.

If your mutual friend also blocks the person you’ve blocked, they won’t be able to see your story even if its reposted.

In addition, if your mutual friend’s account is set to private, only their followers will see their stories, including the one they reposted from you.

If you’re worried about someone seeing your story despite being blocked, you can stop people from reposting your stories by adjusting the “Sharing and Remixes” settings.

To do this, go to your profile, tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, select “Settings and Privacy,” and then tap “Sharing and Remixes.”

Here, you’ll find various options related to sharing your posts and stories that you can toggle on or off as per your preference.

Another option is to create a close friends list and share your Instagram stories exclusively with them. To set this up, go to your profile, tap the three horizontal lines, select “Close Friends,” and then choose the people you want to add.

Once you’ve selected them, tap “Done” to save the list. This way, you have more control over who sees your stories.

In Summary

The answer to this question is YES. A blocked person on Instagram can still see your story if a mutual friend reposts it. This is because the story is no longer associated with your account when it is reposted.

However, the blocked person will not be able to interact with the story, such as by commenting or liking it.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
