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If I Message Someone On Twitter And Then Block Them, Can They Reply?

In this article, we’ll explain if someone can still respond to your messages on Twitter after you’ve blocked them.

Blocking someone on Twitter is a good way to stop them from seeing your tweets, following you, or sending you direct messages.

But what happens if you send them a message and then block them? Well, the simple answer is that they won’t be able to reply to your message.

Once you block someone on Twitter, they can’t see your messages anymore, so they can’t respond to them. It doesn’t matter if you sent the message before or after you blocked them.

If you want to make sure they can’t reply, you can block them before sending the message. That way, they won’t even see it.

It’s important to know that blocking someone on Twitter doesn’t delete the messages you’ve already sent them. If you block someone and then unblock them later, they can still see all the messages you sent while they were unblocked.

Blocking someone on Twitter is a good way to protect yourself from unwanted contact. Just make sure you understand how blocking works so you don’t accidentally block someone you still want to talk to.

If You Block Someone On Twitter Can They See Your Replies?

No, if you block someone on Twitter, they will not be able to see your replies to their tweets or any other tweets that you make. This is because blocking someone on Twitter prevents them from seeing any of your content, including your tweets, your profile, and your replies to other tweets.

Blocked accounts also do not receive a notification alerting them that their account has been blocked.

If you want to prevent someone from seeing your replies to their tweets, but you still want to be able to see their tweets, you can mute them instead of blocking them. Muting someone on Twitter prevents them from sending you notifications, but they will still be able to see your tweets and replies.

When You Block Someone On Twitter Do Messages Disappear?

No, when you block someone on Twitter, the messages that you have sent to them will not disappear.

The person you blocked will still be able to see all of the messages that you sent them, even after you have blocked them.

This is because blocking someone on Twitter only prevents you from seeing their tweets and messages, and it does not delete any of the messages that you have exchanged with them.

It is important to note that if you block someone and then unblock them later, they will still be able to see all of the messages that you sent them while they were blocked.

This is because Twitter does not delete any messages that are sent through direct messages, even if the people involved in the conversation are no longer following each other or have blocked each other.

If you are concerned about someone seeing the messages that you have sent them, you can always screenshot the conversation before you block them.

This way, you will have a copy of the conversation saved on your device, even if the person you blocked is able to see it.

How To Delete Twitter Messages From Both Sides 2023

Basically, if you try to delete a message on Twitter, it will only disappear from your side.

The other person can still see it and show it to other people if they want to.

So be careful about what you say because it may stick around even if you try to delete it!

How To Delete Twitter Conversation

Just like we talked about before, the same thing applies here. If you delete a conversation on Twitter, it will only disappear for you. The other person can still see the whole conversation.

This sets Twitter apart from platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, where deleting a conversation gives you two choices: removing it for everyone involved or removing it solely for yourself.

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
