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How To Know If Someone Muted You On Telegram

In this article, we’ll discuss how to know if someone muted you on Telegram.

Lena and Mia were good friends and used Telegram to chat daily. One day, Lena noticed that she wasn’t getting any notifications from their chat.

She checked the chat settings and saw that it was muted. She wondered if Mia had done it intentionally.

Lena messaged Mia, but didn’t get a response. She was upset, thinking that Mia had blocked her or lost interest in their friendship. She didn’t know what to do.

After a few days, Lena got a message from Mia, apologizing for not being in touch and explaining that she had been busy with work and had muted all her chats to reduce distractions.

Lena was relieved to hear that it was nothing personal, and they continued to use Telegram to stay in touch.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss how to know if someone muted you on Telegram.

How To Tell If  Someone Muted You On Telegram

The following steps listed below are ways to tell if you’ve been muted by someone on Telegram.

Check If The Chat Is Muted

One way to tell if someone has muted you on Telegram is to check if the chat is muted.

When a chat is muted, you won’t receive any notifications for new messages.

To check if a chat is muted, look for a crossed-out bell icon next to the chat name. If you see this icon, it means the chat is muted.

If the chat is not muted, it’s possible that the other person has simply not been active on Telegram. In this case, you may want to send a message and wait for a response.

Check If The Person Is Online

Another way to tell if someone has muted you on Telegram is to check if the person is online.

When someone is online, you can see a green dot next to their name in the chat list.

If you don’t see the green dot next to the person’s name, it’s possible that they are offline or have turned off their online status.

However, keep in mind that just because someone is online doesn’t mean they have seen your message or are actively using Telegram.

Send A Message And Check If It Is Delivered

Another way to confirm if someone has muted you on Telegram is to send a message and see if it is delivered.

If the message is delivered but not read, it’s possible that the other person has muted the chat and is not receiving notifications for new messages.

If the message is not delivered, it could mean that the other person has blocked you on Telegram or has turned off notifications for the app altogether.

No Status Updates

Another sign that someone has muted you is if you cannot see their status updates or their last seen status.

This may indicate that they are intentionally avoiding your messages or notifications.

It’s important to remember that people have the right to choose who they communicate with and when, and it’s best to respect their boundaries.

What To Do If Someone Muted You On Telegram

Here are somethings to do when you’ve found out that someone muted you on Telegram.

Respect The Other Person’s Decision

If you suspect that someone has muted you on Telegram, it’s important to respect the other person’s decision.

People mute chats for a variety of reasons, such as to reduce distractions, manage their time, or avoid certain conversations. It’s not always personal.

Communicate With The Other Person

If you feel comfortable, you can try to communicate with the other person to see if there is a reason they have muted you on Telegram.

It’s important to approach the conversation in a non-confrontational way and to respect the other person’s privacy and boundaries.

Consider Leaving The Chat Or Group

If you find that you are consistently being muted by someone on Telegram, it may be a sign that the relationship or communication is not working for both parties.

In this case, you may want to consider leaving the chat or group to avoid further discomfort or misunderstandings.

How To Mute Someone On Telegram

To mute someone on Telegram, follow these steps:

1. Open the Telegram app on your device and find the person or group you want to mute.

2. Tap on the person or group to open the chat.

3. Click on the person or group name at the top of the chat to open the profile page.

4. Scroll down to find the “Notifications” option and tap on it.

5. In the Notifications menu, you will see various options. To mute the chat, tap on “Mute notifications.”

6. You will then be asked to choose the duration of the mute. You can choose to mute for a specified time period or indefinitely.

7. Once you have selected your preferred duration, tap on “Mute.”

After you have muted the chat, you will no longer receive notifications for messages sent in that chat.

You can unmute the chat at any time by following the same steps and selecting “Unmute notifications” instead of “Mute notifications.”


Understanding the mute feature on Telegram is important for managing notifications and distractions.

If you suspect that someone has muted you on Telegram, it’s helpful to check if the chat is muted, if the person is online, and if your message is delivered.

However, it’s important to remember that muting a chat is not always personal and respecting the other person’s decision is crucial.

By handling the situation appropriately, you can maintain healthy and respectful relationships with your contacts on Telegram.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens When Someone Mutes You On Telegram?

When someone mutes you on Telegram, they will no longer receive notifications or alerts for your messages or calls.

However, they will still be able to see your messages in the chat and can reply to them at their convenience.

If I Mute Someone On Telegram Will They Know?

No, when you mute someone on Telegram, they will not receive any notification or indication that they have been muted.

The mute function is a private setting that only affects your own notifications and does not affect the other person’s access or use of the app.

What Is Timestamp In Telegram?

In Telegram, a timestamp refers to the date and time when a particular message was sent or received.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
