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How Do You Know If Someone Has Deleted You From Telegram?

This article will teach you how to tell if someone has removed your phone number from their contacts on Telegram.

Have you ever found yourself trying to send a message to a friend on Telegram only to realize that they are no longer in your contact list?

Did you wonder if they have deleted your number or simply blocked you?

Are you unsure about how to find out if someone has deleted your number on Telegram?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in the right place!

In this article, we will discuss how to know if someone has deleted your number on Telegram.

Understanding Telegram

Before we dive into the ways to know if someone has deleted your number on Telegram, it is essential to understand how the app works.

When you sign up for Telegram, you need to provide your phone number, which is used to create your account.

Once you have created your account, you can add contacts by either searching for their phone number or username.

When you add a contact on Telegram, the app automatically synchronizes your phone’s contact list with its database.

Am I Blocked Or Deleted On Telegram?

If someone blocks you on Telegram, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture, last seen status, or online status.

Additionally, any messages you send to that person will not be delivered, and you will not receive any messages from them. However, your contact with that person will still be saved in your Telegram contacts list.

If someone deletes your number from their Telegram contacts, you will no longer appear in their contacts list, and they will not be able to see your profile picture or last seen status.

However, they will still be able to send you messages, and you will still receive them as long as you have not blocked them. You will also be able to see their profile picture and last seen status.

How To Know If Someone Deleted Your Number On Telegram

Here are some ways to know if someone has deleted your number on Telegram:

Check The Contact List

The first step is to check your Telegram contact list. If the person’s name is no longer visible, it means they have deleted you from their contact list.

However, if the person’s name is still visible, it could mean that they have not deleted you or have blocked you on Telegram.

Check The Recent Chats

Another way to check if someone has deleted your number on Telegram is to check your recent chats.

If the chat history is still visible, it means the person has not deleted you from their contact list.

However, if the chat history is missing, it could mean that the person has deleted your number or blocked you on Telegram.

Send A Message

If you are unsure whether the person has deleted your number or not, you can send them a message on Telegram. If the message is delivered, it means the person has not blocked you on Telegram.

However, if the message is not delivered, it could mean that the person has deleted your number or blocked you on Telegram.

Call The Person

You can also try calling the person on Telegram. If the call goes through, it means the person has not blocked you on Telegram.

However, if the call is not connected, it could mean that the person has deleted your number or blocked you on Telegram.

Check Their Last Seen Info

To find out if someone has removed your number on Telegram, you can check if they have hidden their “last seen” information.

If they have, it will say “last seen recently” instead and tell you how long ago they were active on the app. Even if your number has been deleted, you can still see their “last seen”.

If you see a “typing” notification when you message them, they haven’t deleted your number. But if you don’t see the notification, then they have deleted your number.


If you are no longer able to contact someone on Telegram, it could be because they have deleted your number.

However, by checking your contact list, recent chats, sending a message, or calling the person, you can find out if someone has deleted your number on Telegram.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens If You Delete Contact On Telegram?

When you remove a contact on Telegram, you won’t be able to send messages to them or see if they’re online.

But, the person’s name and phone number will still be saved on your phone. If you want to completely remove the contact, you need to delete them from your phone’s contact list.

If I Delete A Contact On Telegram Will They Know?

If you remove someone from your Telegram contacts, they won’t be told that you’ve taken them off your list.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
