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Can You Add Hashtag On TikTok After Posting?

In this article, you’ll find out if it’s possible to add hashtags after posting on TikTok.

Imagine you’re a new TikTok user, and you’ve been having a lot of fun creating and sharing videos. But you’ve also been running into some problems.

One of the biggest problems you’ve had is with hashtags. You’ve done a lot of research on how to use hashtags effectively, but you still haven’t found a way to get your videos to show up in the right hashtags.

You recently uploaded a video that you thought would be perfect for the #diy hashtag.

You spent a lot of time researching the most popular DIY hashtags, and you even used a hashtag generator to find some new ones.

But when you posted your video, it didn’t show up in any of the hashtags you used.

You were really frustrated, so you did some more research. You found out that TikTok doesn’t allow you to add hashtags after you’ve posted a video but there might be ways around it which got you more confused and curious.

To satisfy your curiosity, in this article, you’ll find out if it’s possible to add hashtags after posting on TikTok, and you’ll also learn about the uses of hashtags on TikTok.

Why Do People Put Hashtags On TikTok Posts?

Using hashtags wisely is crucial if you want more people to notice you on TikTok. Think of hashtags as special words or phrases that act like a magic key to help others discover your videos.

When you add relevant hashtags to your TikTok posts, it becomes easier for people who are interested in those topics to find your content.

Hashtags are like your secret weapon to stand out from the crowd and reach a larger audience.

By using popular or trending hashtags related to your video’s theme or subject, you increase the chances of more people stumbling upon your content. This means more views, likes, and followers!

But it doesn’t stop there. Hashtags can do even more for you on TikTok. When you explore a particular hashtag, you get to see what other people are posting using the same hashtag.

This allows you to discover fellow creators who make similar videos to yours. It’s a great way to find potential collaborators, learn from their content, and maybe even make some new friends!

Moreover, hashtags can be a fantastic source of inspiration for your own TikTok creations.

By browsing through videos under a specific hashtag, you can get fresh ideas and see what kind of content is popular within your niche.

It’s like peeking into the creative minds of others and gathering inspiration for your own unique videos.

So, don’t underestimate the power of hashtags! They are like little helpers that can boost your TikTok experience by increasing your visibility, connecting you with like-minded creators, and providing you with a treasure trove of content ideas.

Can You Add Hashtag On TikTok After Posting?

Hashtags are like special keywords or labels that you can attach to your TikTok videos to help them get noticed by more people. When you include relevant hashtags, it increases the chances of your video reaching a larger audience and becoming more popular.

However, it’s essential to remember that you can only add hashtags to your video when you’re writing the caption before you actually post it.

Once the video is posted, you cannot add hashtags in the comments section or edit the caption to include new hashtags.

If you really want to add hashtags to a video you’ve already posted, there is a way to do it. First, you need to save the video to your device.

Then, you have to delete the original post from TikTok. After that, you can reupload the video with the desired hashtags included in the caption. It may take a little extra effort, but it’s a way to make sure your video benefits from the power of hashtags.

Remember, it’s important to add hashtags before posting your video because they play a significant role in increasing its visibility.

The more relevant and popular hashtags you include, the higher the chances of your video being seen by a larger audience. This can lead to more likes, comments, and shares, which can make your video perform better overall.

If you accidentally forget to include hashtags in your video’s caption, don’t panic! You still have an opportunity to reach a new audience effectively.

Simply delete the video from your TikTok account and then upload it again with the desired hashtags included in the caption.

It’s recommended to do this within a few hours of the original upload to maximize your chances of reaching more viewers.

So, make sure to take advantage of hashtags and add them to your TikTok videos before posting to give your content a better chance of getting noticed and appreciated by a wider audience.

How To Add Hashtags To TikTok After Posting?

If you’ve put a lot of effort into editing a video on TikTok but later realized that you didn’t use the right hashtags or forgot to add them, there’s a cool trick you can use to fix it without having to create a new video from scratch.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your phone and go to your profile page by tapping on the “Me” button at the bottom right corner.
  2. Scroll through your videos and find the one you want to update. It’s usually the most recent one in the top left corner of your video list.
  3. Tap on the video to open it and access the options menu.
  4. Look for the “Save Video” option in the menu and select it. This saves the video to your device.
  5. Now, go back to your profile page by tapping on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen.
  6. Tap on the black and white plus sign at the bottom of the screen to create a new video.
  7. In the bottom right corner, tap on “Upload” and select the video you just saved.
  8. Before uploading, make sure to add the new hashtags you want to use for the video. You can type them in the caption or use the hashtag sticker feature.
  9. Finally, tap on the upload button, and your video, with all its edits and effects, will be re-uploaded with the updated hashtags.

By following these steps, you can fix the hashtags on your video without losing any of the hard work you put into editing it.

It’s a handy trick that saves you time and effort, ensuring your video reaches the right audience with the proper hashtags.

Using the right hashtags is crucial on TikTok as it helps your content reach a wider audience. Hashtags are like keywords that categorize your video and make it discoverable by people who are interested in similar content.

By updating the hashtags, you increase the chances of your video being seen by the right audience, which can lead to more views, likes, and engagement.

Remember to choose hashtags that are relevant to your video content and the audience you want to target.

Using popular and trending hashtags can also help boost your video’s visibility. It’s a good idea to research popular hashtags related to your video’s theme or topic before making the update.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of hashtags to see which ones generate the best results.

TikTok’s algorithm takes into account factors like engagement and watch time when determining the reach of your video, so optimizing your hashtags can make a significant difference in how many people get to see your content.

Can You Add Hashtags To TikTok Comments?

Absolutely! While it’s possible to include TikTok hashtags in your comments, it’s not as powerful as placing them in the caption. When you add hashtags in the caption, it’s like giving them the VIP treatment—they get noticed more easily.

However, if you find yourself running out of space in the caption due to lots of words or other content, make sure to prioritize the important hashtags there.

This way, you maximize your chances of grabbing attention and reaching a wider audience. Remember, using hashtags in the right places can make a big difference in getting noticed on TikTok!

How To Use Hashtags On TikTok 2023

Using hashtags on TikTok is a fantastic way to get more people to see your videos and gain more followers.

Here are some helpful tips to make the most of hashtags on TikTok:

1. Find The Right Hashtags:

Take some time to discover hashtags that are a good match for your videos. Use TikTok’s search feature to find popular hashtags that align with your content.

2. Mix It Up:

It’s great to use a combination of popular hashtags and more specific ones.

Popular hashtags can help expose your videos to a larger audience, while specific hashtags can attract followers who are genuinely interested in your content.

3. Ride The Trends:

Stay updated on the latest trends and use relevant hashtags that are currently popular on TikTok. This can give your videos an extra boost and increase their visibility.

4. Create Your Own Hashtag:

If you have a brand or business, consider creating a unique hashtag and encourage your followers to use it in their own videos.

This can enhance brand awareness and attract more people to follow your account.

5. Variety Is Key:

Incorporate a mix of different types of hashtags in your videos. Include general hashtags related to your content, location-based hashtags if applicable, and popular hashtags that are relevant to your videos. This can help you reach a broader audience.

6. Don’t Go Overboard:

While hashtags are beneficial, it’s important not to go overboard with them. Using too many hashtags can make your videos appear spammy and less appealing.

Aim for around 5-10 relevant hashtags per video to keep things balanced.

How Do You Move Hashtags On TikTok?

Did you know that you can change the order of hashtags on TikTok? It’s super easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to the “Create” tab.
  2. Make a new video or choose one from your gallery.
  3. Write a caption for your video and include the hashtags you want.
  4. After adding the hashtags, tap on the caption to edit it.
  5. Now, you can move the hashtags around by dragging and dropping them.Once you’re happy with the order, tap “Done” to save your changes.

Where you put your hashtags can affect how many people see your posts on TikTok. So, rearranging them can help more people find and watch your videos.

Just make sure to use relevant hashtags and follow TikTok’s rules about spam and inappropriate content.

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
