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What Does It Mean If A Video Is Unlisted On YouTube?

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Unlisted Videos On YouTube.

Lately on YouTube, there’s a cool feature that not everyone knows about which is the unlisted video feature. These videos are like a special middle ground between showing your video to everyone and keeping it all to yourself.

They’re like a secret tool for sharing things in a different way.

Imagine it like this: normally, when you put a video on YouTube, lots of people can see it. But unlisted videos are a bit different.

They’re like a secret club that only people with a special invite can join. You can send them the secret link to your video, and only those people can watch it. It won’t pop up when people search for videos, and it won’t be suggested to anyone else.

Also, if you’re someone who makes videos and you want to show them to only a certain group of people – maybe your friends, family, or a specific community – unlisted videos are your forte.

And if you’re someone who’s just curious and wants to watch a video that’s not for the whole world to see, unlisted videos are like a hidden treasure waiting to be found.

So, whether you’re a creator who wants to control who sees your videos or you’re just interested in checking out something that’s not all over YouTube, let’s keep reading and learn more about unlisted videos together.

What Does Unlisted Video Mean On YouTube?

An “unlisted” video on YouTube is like having a secret video that only a special group of people can watch. Imagine it’s like having a special key that you give to your friends.

With this key (which is the link to the video), they can watch the video, but the video won’t show up when people search for it on YouTube.

When a video is unlisted, it won’t appear in the normal search results or recommended videos for anyone. This is a bit like hiding the video from the public eye. It’s a way to share the video with specific people without letting everyone see it.

Sometimes, videos are made unlisted because they might have things like music that belongs to someone else, or because the person who uploaded the video is younger and wants to be careful. When a video is unlisted, it might not be eligible to earn money through ads, like some other videos can.

If you want to watch an unlisted video, you need to have the special link that the person who made the video shared with you. Just having that link is like having a ticket to watch the video.

But remember, even if you can watch the unlisted video, you won’t be able to see all the other videos on the creator’s channel. It’s kind of like a secret passage to just that one video!

Facts About Unlisted YouTube Videos

Here are some more details about Unlisted YouTube videos:

  1. Link Access: Unlisted videos are like hidden gems within YouTube. When you upload an unlisted video, it’s not going to appear in public search results, and it won’t be visible on your channel like your other videos. However, the interesting part is that you hold the key – the link to the video. You get to decide who can watch it by sharing this link. It’s like having a secret clubhouse that only those who know the secret entrance can enter.
  2. No Google Account Needed: Unlike Private videos that are super exclusive and need viewers to have Google accounts and be personally invited, Unlisted videos are more inclusive. Anyone who gets their hands on the link can watch the video, even if they don’t have a Google account. This makes it really handy if you want to show your video to a bunch of people who might not be Google users.
  3. Embedding In Other Places: Unlisted videos can be versatile. Not only can you control who watches them, but you can also put them in different places. Imagine you have a blog or a website – you can use a special code to embed the video there. You can even share it on social media platforms. This means you can showcase your video to a specific audience without making it public on YouTube itself.
  4. Privacy Points: While Unlisted videos give you more flexibility in sharing, it’s important to note that they’re not 100% private. If someone who has the link decides to pass it around, the video might end up being seen by more people than you intended. It’s a bit like sharing a secret and hoping it doesn’t get out. So, if you’re thinking of sharing something really personal or confidential, it’s worth considering how safe that link really is.
  5. Limited Discovery: Even though Unlisted videos won’t pop up when people search on YouTube, they can still be discovered in other ways. If you share the link on social media or someone shares it with others, there’s a chance that it might spread beyond your initial audience. It’s a bit like telling a few friends a secret and hoping they don’t tell others.

Difference Between Private And Unlisted Videos On YouTube

Different Rules For Videos:

When you put a video on YouTube, there are two special ways to keep it kind of secret: Private and Unlisted.

Private Videos:

Imagine you have a secret clubhouse, and you can only invite a few friends. That’s like a private video. You pick who gets to watch it, and they need a special YouTube key (an account) to get in.

Unlisted Videos:

But then there’s the unlisted video. It’s like sharing a magic door code. Anyone who knows the code (the video link) can watch it. They don’t need a YouTube key (account), and there’s no limit to how many people can watch. It’s a bit like a hidden treasure for anyone with the secret code.

Sharing The Link:

Now, here’s the thing. With private videos, only the people you invite can watch. But with unlisted videos, anyone who has the link can share it with others. It’s like if you shared a secret game code with your friends, and they told their friends, and so on.

Almost Public:

Even though unlisted videos won’t pop up when people look on YouTube, they can still be found if someone shares the link somewhere. Imagine someone whispering your secret to someone else – that’s how it spreads.

Why Use Unlisted Videos?

Unlisted videos are great when you want to show something to a bunch of people without making it really public.

Like if you had a secret show for your friends, but it’s okay if they bring a friend along.

Remember, it’s like sharing a secret – once it’s out, you can’t control where it goes.

How Do I Share An Unlisted YouTube Video?

Sharing an Unlisted video on YouTube is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share an Unlisted video:

Step 1: Upload Your Video

Sign in to your YouTube account and go to the YouTube Studio.
Click “Create” which is the plus icon located at the middle of the bottom-center of the screen and pick “Upload videos” to put your video on YouTube.

Step 2: Make It Unlisted

Once the video is up, find the “Visibility” part in the video details.
Choose “Unlisted” from the options. This hides your video from searches and your channel.

Step 3: Save Changes

After picking “Unlisted,” click “Save” or “Publish” to lock in the change and make the video Unlisted.

Step 4: Copy The Video Link

When your video is Unlisted, you’ll get a special web link for it.
Tap “Share” below the video to see ways to share it. Copy the link they give you.

Step 5: Share The Video

Send the copied link to whoever you want to see your secret video.
You can use email, messaging apps, or anything you like.

Step 6: Watching The Video

The people you shared the link with can just click it to watch your secret video.
They don’t need any special accounts or permission – just the link.


Can Unlisted YouTube Videos Still Be Viewed By Anyone With The Link?

Yes, unlisted videos can be viewed by anyone who has the direct link to the video.

Although they do not appear in search results or on the creator’s channel, the video can still be shared and accessed by individuals who have the URL.

This allows for more controlled distribution, as the video is not completely private but still requires the link to be shared for others to watch it.

Can Unlisted Videos Be Monetized On YouTube?

No, unlisted videos on YouTube cannot be monetized. The monetization features, such as ads or channel membership, are only available for public and “private” videos.

Unlisted videos are intended for more limited distribution and are not eligible for monetization.

If you want to monetize your videos, you would need to make them public or set them as private and invite specific YouTube channel members to view them.

Is There A Limit To How Many People That Can Access An Unlisted Video On YouTube?

There is no specific limit to the number of people who can access an unlisted video on YouTube. Anyone who has the link to the unlisted video can view it, regardless of the number of viewers.

However, it’s important to note that the video will not be discoverable through YouTube’s search function or recommended to other users, so the only way for someone to access the video is through the direct link shared with them.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
