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How To Hide Your Online Status On WhatsApp (Updated)

Do you use WhatsApp to talk to your friends and family? It’s a great app, but sometimes you might want to keep your privacy when you’re online.

That’s where hiding your online status in whatsapp comes in. This means that other people won’t be able to see when you’re online.

In this article, we’ll show you how to hide your online status on WhatsApp, so you can keep your privacy and stay in control.

Understanding “Last Seen” Status

When you use WhatsApp, it can show your contacts when you were last online. This is called your “Last Seen” status. Some people might want to hide their “Last Seen” status to protect their privacy.

For example, if someone is bothering you on WhatsApp, you might not want them to know when you’re online.

Hiding your Last Seen on whatsapp means that other people won’t be able to see when you were last online. In the next section, we’ll show you how to do this.

How To Hide Your Last Seen Status On WhatsApp

If you want to hide your Last Seen status on WhatsApp, it means that others won’t be able to see when you were last online. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open WhatsApp on your phone.

2. Tap on the “Settings” icon, which looks like a gear.

3. From the settings menu, select “Account.”

4. Under “Account,” choose “Privacy.”

5. Look for “Last Seen” and select it.

6. Choose “Nobody” to hide your online status from everyone.

How To Hide Your Online Status On WhatsApp

WhatsApp recently introduced a new feature that allows users to control their online status. With this feature, users can choose to hide their online status from specific contacts or from all contacts.

This is different from the “last seen” status, which only shows the last time a user was online. With the new online status feature, users can be online and still have their status hidden from others.

This can be helpful if a user wants to take a break from messages or notifications, but doesn’t want their contacts to know that they are online.

Keep in mind that if you choose to hide your online status, you won’t be able to see the online status of others either.

The new online status feature on WhatsApp gives users more control over their privacy and online activity.

By choosing to hide their online status, users can have more control over when they are available to communicate with their contacts, without the pressure of constantly being online.

So here are the steps you need to follow to hide your online status:

1. Open WhatsApp on your phone.

2. Tap on the “Settings” icon, which looks like a gear.

3. From the settings menu, select “Account.”

4. Under “Account,” choose “Privacy.”

5. Look for “Online” and select it.

6. Choose “Everyone” to hide your online status from everyone, or choose “Same as Last seen” to only show your online status to people in your contact list.

The “last seen” status on WhatsApp has a connection with the online status feature. If you choose “Everyone” under “Who can see when I’m online,” it means that everyone can see when you’re online, even people who are not your contacts.

If you choose “Same as Last seen,” then only the people you have allowed to see your last seen status can see when you’re online.

In other words, the “last seen” status controls who can see your online status.

If you restrict your “last seen” status to only certain people, then only those people will be able to see when you’re online.

When you set your “last seen” status to “Nobody” on WhatsApp, it means that nobody can see when you were last online, and also your online status will be hidden from everyone including your contact.

This happens when you choose the option “same as last seen” signifying that you’ve turnoff your online status on WhatsApp.


Online status in whatsapp feature allows users to control their privacy and online activity on the app.

Users can take a break from messages without their contacts knowing they are online.

The feature works with the “last seen” status, which controls who can see your online status. Following the simple steps highlighted in this article can give users more control over their online presence.

Overall, this feature is helpful for users who value their privacy and want control over their online activity on WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I Hide My Online Status On WhatsApp, Can I still See The Online Status Of Other Users?

No, this is because the feature works both ways, and hiding your own online status means that you won’t be able to see when other users are online.

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
