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Will My SMS Be Delivered If I Was Blocked By iPhone User?

Unfortunately, no, SMS messages will not be delivered if someone has blocked you on their iPhone.

Ever texted an iPhone user and got no response? Wondered if your message reached them when it says “Delivered”?

This article breaks down what it means to be blocked by iPhone user and answers if your text goes through when someone blocks you on iPhone.

Will My SMS Be Delivered If I Was Blocked By iPhone User?

Sending Messages To An iPhone User.

Having a list of blocked iPhone contacts or blocked numbers on an iPhone simply means that you are blocking them from being able to:

  • Call you.
  • Send you SMS/text messages.
  • Send you iMessages.
  • FaceTime you

Calls And FaceTimes:

When someone you blocked tries to call or FaceTime you, their call will be automatically declined and their FaceTime call will abruptly hang up without connecting.


When someone you blocked on iPhone sends you a message, their iMessage will switch from blue to green and be sent as an SMS.

Image showing the change in colour of messages on iMessage.

The SMS will be sent from your network provider but not delivered to you. Neither you nor they will receive any indication of the message being sent or not delivered.

Technical Details:

  • Blocking on iPhone applies to both iMessage and SMS.
  • Blocked iMessages are not delivered at all.
  • Blocked SMS messages are delivered to the carrier’s network but not the recipient’s phone. Delivery status of SMS might say ‘Delivered’ even if it’s not, which can be misleading.


It’s important to remember that there’s no foolproof way to know for sure if someone has blocked you on iPhone. However, some clues can indicate this possibility:

  1. No Response: If you haven’t heard back from someone and you know they typically respond quickly, it could be a sign of blocking.
  2. No Change In Delivery Status: If you’re sending SMS messages and the delivery status always says “Delivered” but you never get a response, it could be a sign of blocking.
  3. Unable To Call: If you try calling someone and the call goes straight to voicemail, it could be a sign of blocking.

However, these signs are not definitive. There could be other reasons why someone isn’t responding or why your messages aren’t going through.

It’s important to respect someone’s boundaries if they’ve blocked you. Sending repeated messages or trying to contact them through other methods could be considered harassment.

In Summary

Unfortunately, no, SMS messages will not be delivered if someone has blocked you on their iPhone. 

Blocking on an iPhone applies to iMessage SMS, Calls and FaceTime. So, all communication attempts, including texts, will be obstructed. 

While your phone may show “Delivered”, it simply means the message reached the carrier’s network, not the intended recipient.

FAQs On Will My SMS Be Delivered If I Was Blocked By IPhone User?

Will An SMS Be Delivered If The Recipient Has Me Blocked On iPhone?

No, SMS messages sent to blocked numbers on an iPhone will not be delivered.

When a number is blocked by iPhone user, the iPhone filters out all calls, texts, and FaceTime calls from that number before they even reach the recipient’s device.

The sender will not receive any notification that their message was blocked.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
