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What Does Another Contact See When I Archive Them On WhatsApp? [Answered!]

Archiving a chat on WhatsApp doesn’t change what the other person can see. They’ll still see your status, photo, and last seen (if visible).

Meet Alex, a busy person handling work, family, and friends. Imagine a day with lots of messages on WhatsApp. To bring order, Alex cleans up the chat list by archiving some conversations, like the one with a friend named Emily.

When Alex archived Emily’s chat, he got curious about what Emily would see on her end. Would she be told about it? Or not? He really wanted to know because he didn’t want Emily to misunderstand why he archived her chat.

Guess what? If you’re in a similar situation on WhatsApp, wondering the same things, this article is just for you. Take your time to read it carefully and stay focused.

What Does Archived Chats In WhatsApp Mean?

Archived chats in WhatsApp

In cases when you archived chats in WhatsApp, it just means you’re putting it in a special folder called Archive. The chat doesn’t change, and the other person won’t know. 

Archiving helps you tidy up your chats by hiding them from the main chat list, but it doesn’t affect what’s inside the chat or your conversation with that person.

What Does Another Contact See When I Archive Them On WhatsApp?

Archiving a chat on WhatsApp doesn’t change what the other person can see. They’ll still see your status, photo, and last seen (if visible). If you want to hide this information, you can adjust your privacy settings or block that person.

The other person won’t be notified when you archive or delete a chat. It also doesn’t affect your online status. 

Archived chats in WhatsApp stay in the Archive section, even if you receive new messages, based on your settings and you can always find your archive at the top of the Chats tab.

And lastly, notifications for archived chats only appear if you’re mentioned or replied to.

Features That Are Unchanged For Your Archived Chats In WhatsApp

Here’s A Breakdown Of What Remains Unchanged For Them:

  1. Chat Visibility: They will still see the chat with you on their main Chat list.
  2. Message Delivery: They can still send you messages, and those messages will appear in their chat with you as usual.
  3. Notifications: They will still receive notifications for your messages just like before.
  4. Typing Indicator: They will still see the “typing…” indicator if you’re typing a message to them, even if their chat is archived.
  5. Online Status: They will still see if you’re online just like before, regardless of whether you archived their chat.
  6. Group Chat Activity: In group chats, they will still see your messages and activities as usual.

How To Archive An Individual Or Group Chat On Whatsapp

To Archive a Chat on WhatsApp:

  1. Go to the Chats tab and press and hold the chat you want to archive.
  2. Tap the arrow button at the top.

How To Archive All Chats On Whatsapp 

To Archive All Chats on WhatsApp:

  1. In the Chats tab, tap the three vertical dots in the upper right corner, then select settings.
  2. Tap Chats > Chat history > Archive all chats > OK.

How To Find Archived Chats On Whatsapp

To Find Archived Chats on WhatsApp:

  1. Scroll to the top of the Chats screen.
  2. Tap on “Archived.”


Unread WhatsApp Archive Messages

The number next to “Archived” shows how many WhatsApp archive messages you’ve not read.

How To Unarchive Whatsapp Chat Of An Individual Or Group

To Unarchive a Chat on WhatsApp:

  1. Scroll to the top of the Chats screen.
  2. Tap on “Archived.”
  3. Press and hold the individual or group chat you want to unarchive.
  4. Tap the unarchive icon at the top. (Seen as an arrow facing upwards).

Alternative Archive Settings On Whatsapp

To change default settings:

  1. In the Chats tab, tap the three vertical dots in the upper right corner, then select settings.
  2. Tap Chats.
  3. Toggle off “Keep chats archived.”

Key Notes:

  • Archiving a chat doesn’t delete or back it up to your SD card.
  • Archived chats in WhatsApp belonging to an individual or group remain archived even when you receive new messages from them.
  • Notifications for archived chats only appear if you’re mentioned or replied to.
  • The number next to “Archived” indicates how many chats have unread messages.
  • An @ symbol appears when someone replies to or mentions you in an archived group chat.

In Summary 

The other contact won’t see anything different when you archive their chat on WhatsApp. Archiving simply hides the chat from your main Chat list, but it doesn’t affect their experience in any way. 

Archiving a chat is purely a way for you to manage your own WhatsApp interface and declutter your main Chat list. The other contact remains completely unaware of this action.

Remember, archiving is different from muting or blocking. Muting a chat silences notifications for it, while blocking a contact prevents them from sending you messages or seeing your online status.

FAQs On Archived Chats In WhatsApp

What Happens To Messages When I Archive A Chat On Whatsapp?

Archiving a chat in WhatsApp simply hides it from your main chat list. The messages itself are not deleted, and you can still access them at any time. 

Archived chats remain encrypted and stored on your device, unless you choose to delete them manually.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
