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If You Call Someone On Whatsapp And Instantly Hang Up, Will They Get A WhatsApp Missed Call Notification?

Sure, if you call someone on WhatsApp and quickly end the call, they’ll still get a missed call alert. That’s because the app notes the call try and tells the person about it.

Let’s talk about WhatsApp calls and what happens when you try calling a friend but end it before they answer.

If You Call Someone On Whatsapp And Instantly Hang Up, Will They Get A WhatsApp Missed Call Notification?

Missed Voice Calls On WhatsApp.

Yes, if you call someone on WhatsApp and then instantly hang up, it will still give them a missed call notification. This is because the app registers the call attempt and notifies the recipient accordingly.

So, when you press that call button, WhatsApp sends a signal to your friend’s phone, telling them, “Hey, someone’s calling you!” If your friend is busy or away from their phone, it starts ringing, just like a regular call.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Even if you quickly cancel the call, WhatsApp notifies your friend’s phone and then your friend sees a notification, knowing you tried calling them.

Let’s Break It Down Further:

  1. Initiating The call: When you place a call on WhatsApp, the app sends a signal to your friend’s device indicating an incoming call.
  2. Ringing The phone: If the friend doesn’t answer immediately, their phone will start ringing.
  3. WhatsApp Missed Call Notification: If you hang up before your friend picks up, the call is logged as a missed connection on their device. They will receive a notification similar to a regular missed call, usually showing the time of the call and your contact information.

Also Remember

This happens even if you didn’t mean to call. That brief call attempt still gives your friend a heads-up.

And get this, if your friend wasn’t online when you tried, they’ll get the notification once they hop back onto the internet.

In Summary

Even though your intention might be different, If you accidentally call someone and hang up right away on WhatsApp, It will still trigger a missed call notification for your friend.

It’s important to be mindful of this to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.

Further Reading:

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Precious Ekhorose

Precious Ekhorose is a proficient social media blogger, editor and technology content writer. He has a keen interest in resolving technology-related issues for individuals. His main focus is on social media news related to popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and operating systems such as Android, Windows, and iOS. He has studied technology and social media for three years, honing his skills in crafting professional guides and how-to articles for his blog.
